Watson's Bulk Logistics is a family owned agribusiness specialising in transport, container packing and grain storage.
We aim to provide an innovative, efficient and reliable service to achieve the
best outcomes for our network of farmers, traders and end users.
Our facilities, transport services and capabilities allows us to meet all your
grain handling needs.
Watson's Bulk Logistics is based at Bacchus Marsh and specialise in grain transport and handling. We have a dedicated fleet of road trains and b/doubles. Our fleet configuration allows us to move any load from 45t through to a maximum of 64t. On average each week WBL is moving about 7,000t per week into bulk exporters, contract container packers and various end users.
Along with the tippers, we operate a fleet of container trailers which enables us to service our customers requirements for the Tasmanian grain market and also the needs of our export registered packing plant located at Bacchus Marsh.
WBL is accredited with fatigue, mass and maintenance management programs. These accreditation's are maintained throughout the year and audited annually by external auditors.
Watson's Grain Storage and Packing is a niche container packer located at Bacchus Marsh that contract packs for the export and Tasmanian markets. The site is AQIS registered and employs its own AO's to do inspections of grain and equipment for export orders.
Grain cleaning is also available. The site is able to pack out 1000t per day in peak season and together with the transport service equates to a one stop shop for all your grain handling needs.
AG Store has sites at Lascelles, Marnoo, Ouyen and Burraboi with a total storage capacity of 500,000t. This is made up of both bunkers and vertical storage. The sites are all weather access and AG Store prides itself on having a can do attitude with no customer too small or too large.
Our commitment to the grain industry with quality storage sites has attracted a number of grain buyers to post daily prices at harvest and throughout the year. We also offer warehousing of grain to enable growers to make decisions at a time that suits them.
Our grain storage facilities house wheat, barley, canola and lentils from local growers in the region. Grain can either be cashed at harvest directly to our buyers, warehoused and sold to our grain buyers at a later date or warehoused and delivered throughout the year.
For any enquiries, contact us or fill out the following form:
Head Office
Watson's Bulk Logistics
18 Fisken St
Bacchus Marsh 3340
VICTORIA, Australia
Managing Director
Joel Watson
03 5366 1700